Monday, November 18, 2019

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wrecking Ball

Amulet Books 2019

One day, Greg's mother makes him organize the stuff in his closet into 3 piles, one to keep, one to donate, and one to throw away. It seems like a good idea to Greg but when he starts cleaning up, it seems like the opposite of a good idea because he's been throwing stuff into his closet since they moved there and it's not exactly organized. Stuff like homework assignments and comic books are at the front of the closet but the further Greg dug into the pule, the further back in time all the items are. Greg finds items he forgot like model rockets or old Halloween costumes and more. Greg even finds a binder full of stickers he collected all the way back in third grade. Greg used to be obsessed with stickers, especially scratch and sniff kinds. He had all the good smells Greg like bubble gum and cotton candy, but he had bad ones too, so if a kid wanted to smell rot meat, you can guess who they came to! Greg also used to love arts and crafts so that's why he found old projects in his closet. And if anyone bullied Greg back in those days, they would get a face full of glitter! Greg finds a paper flower he made in preschool. The flower used to be in a clay pot filled with dirt Greg was supposed to give it to his mom but he tripped and the flower fell to the ground while the pot broke so he didn't give it to his mom. Greg was glad and sad when he reached the end of the closet. Greg used to read a book about kids exploring new dimensions by going in their closet and he wondered if he could do the same. But Greg was worried whoever lived in his closet wasn't happy about him throwing items in his closet. Greg told his mom that he was done emptying the closet. So Greg has to sort it. But Greg decided to do a yard sale, his mom thinks it's a good idea so Greg gets a magazine about how to do it right. All the things in the magazine are old fashioned and corny. Even the signs are boring. Greg needed something more eye catching so he made a sign that read: $100 BILL FOUND ON SIDEWALK. PLEASE COME TO 12 SURREY STREET TO RECLAIM YOUR PROPERTY. Greg's mom didn't like it so he stuck to old fashioned signs. Greg's mom was going to buy the flower for $3 but Greg raised the price to $10 so she didn't buy it. Then Greg's best friend, Rowley is the Theft Prevention Manager but he is distracted by a magnet kit. Then the person who takes out trash thinks the items were trash but Greg can't stop him because it's raining and the items are going to be messed up. After hard work, Greg carries the soggy and ruined items to the garage. Days later, Aunt Reba dies and they get some inheritance. They use the money to get home improvements but it ends up being bad because of unclogging drains pg80, almost falling and slipping pg84-pg85, wasps pg88, being stuck on the roof pg95-pg99, bathroom problems pg108-pg111, pranks pg116- pg117, neighbors complaints pg122-123, trash problems pg126-pg127, etc. Then they find a new home and they need to sell their home to get enough money but no one wants the house except for one, so they need to make the house perfect so they can sell it. But while making the house perfect, they break the now unsellable house and they used all their money so they are homeless for now.

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